Fats Are Good For Us
For years, nutritionists and doctors have preached that a low-saturated fat diet is the key to preventing health problems.
Saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet are not the cause of coronary heart disease. That myth is the greatest ‘scientific’ deception of the century, and perhaps any century.” - George V. Mann, M.D. Late Professor of Biochemistry and Medicine Vanderbilt University.
You may be surprised that incidents of Heart Disease have increased steadily with the introduction of these “healthy” foods and low cholesterol recommendations.
The American Death rate from Heart Attack and Stroke was only 3% in 1900. By 1997 it increased to nearly 50% (while eating more grains, less protein, less fat and less cholesterol)!
Life is made out of single cells. Cells are protected by cell walls composed of membranes. The critical bi-lipid membrane cell walls are composed of half fat and half protein. Of the 50% fat that comprise cell membranes, about 25% to 33% is supposed to be from natural polyunsaturated fats (EFAs) and the rest from saturated fat.
- Saturated fat has been incorrectly termed “bad” over the past 5 decades! Saturated fat supports cellular structure, keeps out impurities, protects the delicate polyunsaturated fat (EFAs) and provides cellular support.
- Polyunsaturated fat allows essential nutrients, hormones, numerous biochemical processes and vital oxygen into the cell. Fats have a particular molecular structure. But when good, natural dietary fats are altered into trans-fats and other man-made biochemically altered structures, the molecular composition is changed. Our bodies substitute them in place of the good natural fats it needs, but can’t find in our diet.
- Triglycerides, A Strong Warning Signal- The cholesterol “number” is not as significant a risk for heart disease compared to triglycerides. Triglycerides pose a 70% increased risk – independent of cholesterol 1. Triglycerides are produced predominantly from dietary carbohydrates - NOT from dietary fat!2 Triglycerides (fats in the blood) decrease as we lose body fat, when we reduce carbohydrate intake. They also decrease with higher EFA consumption; while a low fat diet is not going to help reduce triglycerides. The most important kinds of fats to add to your diet are Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) – parent omega 6 and parent omega 3.
- Polyunsaturated fats naturally support healthy blood cholesterol levels.20 20 Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg. 873.
From Principles of Medical Biochemistry, page 372, a clearly quoted statement is made: “...fatty acids cannot be converted into carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, can be converted into triglycer¬ides [excess body fat]” and “…Excess energy from dietary carbohydrate is stored away as triglyceride in adipose tissue [body fat].” And “Adipose [fat cells] need sugar (glucose) for the synthesis of triaglycerols. Adipose tissue (fat cells) is stored ONLY when eating carbohydrates. As you can see by these statements, “eating fat makes you fat,” is scientifically WRONG. Saturated fats are good for us.
There are four types of saturated fatty acids:
- Very long chain saturated fatty acids (VLCFA)- They are metabolized in three steps-shortening of chains to long chain fatty acids, transportation into mitochondria by transport proteins and beta oxidation in mitochondria
- Long chain saturated fatty acids (LCFA)- They require transporter to mitochondria for beta oxidation
- Medium chain saturated fatty acids (MCFA) - They are directly metabolized without the need for transporter and are metabolized even in impaired liver 3.
- Short Chain saturated fatty acids (SCFA)- They are produced by the body and is a primary source of energy for colonocytes.
It is important for good health to eat GOOD FATS 3, HIGH PROTEINS, but as little GRAINS and SUGARS as possible. See all the published articles here
- Melissa A. Austin et al, Circulation 2000; 101:2777-2782
- Dawn B. Marks, et al Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, pgs. 25-26, 512.
- Gerhard Meisenberg et al, Principles of Biochemistry, Page 372
- Bach AC, et al. Medium-chain triglycerides: an update. Am J Clin Nutr. 1982; 36(5):950-962.
Before starting any diet, you should speak to your doctor. You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.